Kelly, Emil, Kathryn and Jack Meeting on vacation in Belize over Christmas in 1996, we maintained a long distance relationship for several years before marrying June 23rd, 2001. We now live happily in Portland, OR, and enjoy traveling, camping, skiing, and hanging out with friends.
Kathryn Marie Sloan Lerch was born at 4:54PM Pacific time June 28th, 2006. She was 7lbs, 13oz, and 20 inches long.
John Emil Sloan Lerch was born 11:36AM Pacific time December 20th, 2007. He was 9lbs and 19.75 inches.Emil is a cloud architect at Amazon Web Services, the largest cloud service provider
Kelly works as a manager at Nike in the technology division. She implements ERP systems for the various geographies at Nike and keeps their supply chains running.